Focus on...Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

In March 2023 we focussed on the theme of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at our monthly webinar. We heard from Sue Liburd MBE DL: Non-executive Director - ABSTRACT and Simon Reichwald: Chief Progression Officer - Connectr at our webinar on Equality, diversity, and inclusion: Reshaping thinking for action.

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Industry News on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

HR Could Do More For Neurodiversity

At a time when attracting, recruiting and retaining talent has never been more important, let alone the need for employers to demonstrate their true credentials on the diversity agenda, employers are being encouraged to take measures to ensure this situation improves.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Knowledge Hub

Supporting LGBTQ+ employees all year round.

Supporting LGBTQ+ Employees All Year

While many organisations concentrate on supporting their LGBTQ+ colleagues during Pride month, Seetan Varsani, divisional director, Corps Security discusses how companies can offer that support throughout the year.

Bank on Diversity

Charlie Ellaway, Chief People Officer at Hodge, the bank, answers questions on her organisations' LGBTQ+ initiatives and culture.
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LGBTQ+ Allyship in the Workplace

Amanda-Jane McCann, Client Relations Account Manager and Chair of the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Group at Bright Horizons nurseries highlights six ways to be a supportive colleague.

Q&A: Equality, diversity, and inclusion: Reshaping thinking for action

In order to address as many issues as possible, after the webinar the speakers answered a few of the questions posed by attendees which they were unable to respond to in the time given.

Equality diversity inclusion q and A

HR Features

The HR Difference

From supermarkets to drainage Debi Bell has always sought to make a difference among the people for whom she is responsible.

Make it Your Business

Craig McCoy has spent nearly 40 years in various HR positions, first in permanent roles and latterly, deliberately as an interim. His early career was in tech and the media sector including companies such as BSkyB and BT. In the last decade he has worked extensively in the healthcare sector working with companies as they restructure, grow and acquire other companies.
Kristen Tronsky

HR From The Start

Delivering effective HR for a fast-growing remote-first business is just the latest achievement for Kristen Tronsky, who has loved HR since she was at school.

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